I had my world blown apart when I was 32 years old.
Without warning, my wife left me and I was devastated.
I felt as if my soul have been ripped in half.
In desperation, I reached out to the man who would been my minister for years but whom I had not spoken to in quite some time.
His name is Rene’ Pare’.
I told him about the end of my marriage and how defeated I felt.
“I feel like a failure.“ I said.
“Why?“ He asked.
“Because my marriage failed,” I replied.
“What if your marriage didn’t fail?“ He asked.
“What do you mean?“
“What if your marriage was complete – – rather than a failure? What if, it was simply done because it had fully served its purpose?”
This reframing of my situation gave me a great deal of comfort.
In this JumpStart we discuss such necessary endings and how they are important steps in our ongoing evolution.
As always, you continue to inspire me! There isn’t a day that I am not wearing my purple bracelet….. I still have moments when I begin to complain, but the bracelet reminds me to STOP!
I LOVE your jumpstarts…..and after meditating, I look for your jumpstart.
BTW….it is you that got me into meditation years ago. I use the CALM app now and am a lifetime member.
Thank you for all you do….DON’T STOP!!!
I love the Statement! the relationship did not fail, it was complete.