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Have you noticed that some people love to play the “martyr card?”
They suffer either as a way of getting attention for themselves or as a way of declaring moral superiority over others.
The victim trap keeps us from being all the at we can be.
And, more importantly, playing the suffering hero is NOT loving either for ourselves or for others.
Learn how to break the martyr mindset and liberate yourself to live (and to love) fully and completely.
Post questions and comments — I answer personally.
I want you to know how much I LOVE your devotional To You Love God. Each year I try to find a devotional that would be appropriate for my daughter and me. I found your book on Amazon and randomly ordered it. We live on opposite coasts now and we both read your devotional every day. It makes me feel like we are on the same page! We wanted to find out more about you so we watched some of your videos. She sent me A Complaint Free World. I have purchased purple bracelets to share with some of my teacher friends. Thanks for making our world a more joyful place!
Hi Nancy! I’m so glad you like my books. Please give my love to your daughter