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Probably one of the most well-known pieces of literature in the world is 1 Corinthian’s 13 from the Christian Bible.
If you’ve been to a wedding, you have heard at least part of this beautiful and transformative passage from the Bible.
“Love is patient…, etc.”
I wrote this entire chapter down every single day for over a year, because I wanted to develop the capacity of love.
As we kick off our JumpStarts once again, I’m going to share with you insights to heal and transform your life using this beautiful piece of poetry as our guide.
Remember to leave questions and comments because I answer them all personally.
I listened to your original podcast on love and writing 1st Cor 13. I wanted love to be transformational to love as I am loved. I too have written it down daily, well a portion of it anyway. Today I thank you again for opening the door wider in understanding love to be charity. It will add to my transformation. For me its life from the word of God and now I can look at it as a beautiful piece of writing as well.
Great Norma.
The word “Love” that is used repetitively & repeatedly in this particular scripture (i.e., 1 Cor.13) that you’re speaking of was the word they chose chose to use to replace the original word being “God” when the Holy Bible was translated by King James (as he was instructed/ordered to do so by the Emperor of Constantine @ that time no less). The word Love was not a replacement for the word Charity @ all. And if you read that scripture & replace the word Love with the word God the way it was initially written, then it’s quite obvious to that it literally defines what, how, & who God actually is. Be Blessed !!!
These are some pretty interesting claims you’ve made. However, I can assure you that King James and Constantine lived 1300 years apart from one another.
Constantine converted to Christianity in 325CE and the king James Bible was written in 1611.
Therefore Constantine did not make king James translate the Bible. Also, I have never seen this idea that the word was originally “God.“
When you look at the original Greek, the word is charity.
Think it says emperor of constantine, not emperor constantine.
What says that?
What says that? The video ?
Thank you so much for starting these up again! Such a great positive start to my day!
Glad you like them.