You may not expect me to JumpStart the value of Giving Up but sometimes it’s the right strategy.
Doing something now “just because we said we would” a long time ago makes no sense.
BUT, does this mean we give up on things just because they get hard?
Not at all.
We need to know when we’re giving up because it’s the wrong thing as opposed to giving up because something’s too difficult.
Today, let’s talk about when to quit, when to persevere, and how to know the difference.
Be sure to post your questions and comments, I always reply to them personally.
Thank you for the unconventional wisdom. It is true and life-changing.
I really enjoy listening to your jump start messages. I’ve been following you since your 2 U Love God messages. I even ordered a bunch of Complaint Free World purple bracelets many years ago. Anyway, I want to send you best wishes for your future. One question, what was your favorite restaurant in KC? I live in Overland Park, KS.
I understand what you say but what if there are other people involved, promises made, relationships established on commencement of the project. Would you still drop it? This is certainly my great concern.