Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a daring adventure or is nothing.”
Wow, can you imagine what an adventure Helen Keller’s life was?
Deaf. Blind. Mute. The only sensorial inputs she had were taste and touch — that was it.
Even with our ability to see, hear, and speak most people don’t live life as an adventure.
They play life way too safe and, as a result, miss out on many wonderful and varied experiences that might happen along the way.
Serendipity requires adventure.
If you want the pleasant little surprises of life you have to be willing to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the adventure that lies beyond.
Today, let’s get you started on that “daring adventure” that makes life so rich, magical, and rewarding.
Post questions and comments — I respond.
I preach “its only an adventure if something goes wrong”. And when it doesn’t happen exactly as planned ( expected because it was risky) thats an opportunity to NOT complain, but instead solve the problem with a joyful attitude and the knowledge we are making memories. In our family “remember that time when…….” is a favorite phrase. And we laugh about our epic fails.
Excellent jump start today! So many times we don’t take ourself out of our comfort zone to discover someone or something new. For example, when my sister and I were in Kauai years ago, we sat across from a black family at a luau. No one spoke to each other, and I knew it wouldn’t be my sister to break the silence especially with a black family. So I did, and it turned out to be a very pleasant experience. And my sister actually talked to the family, something she wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t begun a conversation with those across from us.