Podcast One of my favorite scenes in any movie is the compelling scene in “Jaws” where Robert Shaw tells about being in the Navy when the USS Indianapolis is shot out from under him and his shipmates. For three days, he witnessed his companions being devoured by...
Podcast Last night, I was watching a Masterclass taught my Aaron Sorkin (think “West Wing,” “Sports Night,” “Moneyball,” “Steve Jobs,” and more) when I heard him say that after going over a new script with his friend and...
Podcast Without a doubt, Ted Lasso’s views on winning and losing are the most galling to the British press. “I believe you can have the most points on the scoreboard and still lose.” Ted said. “Whereas, I believe you can have less points and still win.” As...
Podcast Here are some common things people say about fighting: “The closer together people are, the more likely they are to fight”“Fighting is healthy cause it brings all the emotions to the surface”“Fighting is a part of human nature; you have to fight to establish...
Podcast What we’re going to discuss today is something that, honestly, I’ve struggled with my entire life; although I’ve made some BIG gains in the last 10 years. It’s learning to respond to things rather than to react and, as usual, it comes down to our own inner...
Podcast “RESILIENCY” ‘Sounds cool, right? Well, it’s not what you think. Let me tell you what we can let from resiliency experts about * Creating plans * Hiring someone else to worry for us * The one question that kills life energy and how to avoid...