Jumpstart – Your Stories

Podcast WOW, what an afternoon I had yesterday, and the cast of characters included: (1) Rude Lyft Driver(1) Superhero of a mom and her little girl(1) Jaded (maybe even racist) cop The story is of what went down is amazing but the REAL story is the one that went on in...

Jumpstart – Who Benefits?

Podcast I spent the last several days with my daughter and her Husband in Kansas City. While I was there, I observed that my son-in-law has a morning ritual that seems to be for someone else but in reality I think he’s the one that benefits. An outsider might look at...

Jumpstart – The power of struggle

Podcast Back when I used to grow a lot of plants, one of the first things I learned is that plants need to struggle to grow tall and strong. That’s why, as soon as a shoot breaks the surface a gentle fan begins to agitate the leaves causing the roots to dig deeper. We...

JumpStart – My Final April Fool’s Prank

Podcast Decades ago, I used to be into “practical jokes” — big time, until I pushed an April Fool’s gag a little too far. Today, Why that “joke” turned me off to pulling pranks on peopleWhy Schadenfreude is often a key motivatorConsider April Friends Day,...

Jumpstart – Grounding Your Mind

Podcast Do you struggle to remember things? Ever catch yourself walking into a room and wondering why?Ever walk out of a room and forget the very thing you went to get?Ever come home from the store without the very thing you went for? If you, you’re normal and I’m...