Known as the “The Dean of The School of Motivation,” Earl Nightingale touched millions of lives.
And, I don’t just mean as the voice of the Jello commercials on the Jack Benny Show.
Nightingale’s “Strangest Secret” was the first spoken word recording ever to earn in excess of a million dollars certifying it a gold record.
Selecting a single quote from this prolific genius is like trying to choose your favorite star — they’re all beautiful.
So, let’s go with Nightingale’s most famous quote, “We become what we think about.”
“If we think poverty, we become impoverished” and “If we think success, we become successful” are just two extremes along the continuum touched by this universal maxim.
Your brain chooses your future because it chooses what you think about.
And to paraphrase Nightingale, “it’s the magnificent human brain that took men to moon and cured polio — and you own one (a brain) free and clear.”
Today, note what your thinking about and, perhaps, make better thought choices with that one of a kind brain of yours.