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It’s not what you look like.
It’s not what you have.
It’s not where you’ve been or where you going.
It’s not even about what you’ve accomplished.
It’s about how loving you are.
No matter what you become or achieve, if you are not a loving person you’re really, well — nothing.
We often measure our significance based on what magazines, television and social media tell us is important.
“If I look that way, or achieve like him/her, then I’m of profound value.”
Not true.
Even in ancient times, there were ideals to which people aspired as a means of making themselves look great to others.
However, if we have everything we could ever want and achieve everything we desire, without love it’s as if we never existed because love is the foundation of who we are.
Learn how to tap into that loving energy that is you in this video.
Be sure and post questions and comments–I answer them personally!