What do you do when you see a snake? When I see a snake, I steer around it and give it lots of room.A friend of mine is freaked out, screams, and runs away.Another friend of mine loves to pick up any snake she sees and hold it. What’s different? Our paradigms...
Imagine you’re standing on the edge of a cliff looking down at a churning ocean below. You take a deep breath and feel calm, nothing but calm, as you leap into the air and perfectly execute one, two, three, and then a fourth summersaults. But you’re...
In previous JumpStarts, I’ve mentioned the book Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Grasiosi. One of the things Grasiosi teaches is that we should not only ask ourselves to clearly define what we want but to question that desire with “WHY?” and go 7 layers deep:...
You may not realize it but you’re already living your own personal “Groundhog Day” because your paradigms hold you trapped limiting your health, happiness, and success. A paradigm is a system of habits that support a subconscious belief structure. A paradigm is when...
Continuing on from yesterday’s JumpStart, now that you’ve written a letter to your current self titled, “Dear [your name], 2021 was the best year of my life because…” it’s time to choose one thing. One thing that… If this, and only this happened in 2021 you’d feel...
Rather than considering what changes you might make for the coming year, why not begin with the end in mind (to quote Stephen Covey) and write yourself a letter from this time next year detailing: Your physical and emotional healthYour relationshipsYour career and...