When I accepted my very own Complaint Free challenge, it took me more than half a year to go 21-days in a row without complaining. Check out this video of my daily stills.
You’ll notice I missed taking photos on some days.
** Notice how many times I had to start over on Day 1 ! **
The 21-Day Complaint Free challenge is life-changing, it’s simple but it’s not easy. Share the video with anyone who could use a little “No Complaining” inspiration.
Visit www.AComplaintFreeWorld.org
Enjoy Today,
Hey Mr. Bowen,
My name is Hailey and you have truly changed my outlook on life. I am currently at the 3-day mark. I plan to reach the 21-day mark as soon as possible. Thank you for all that you do 🙂
Hi Hailey. It’s great to hear from you. I’m glad to hear that the 21 day challenge is having a positive impact on your life.
Dear Will – I am excited and waiting patiently for my purple bracelet, which happens to
be my favorite color. You ended your 21 day challenge on my father’s birthday, August 23, a good sign for me, I know I’m going to be successful. I will keep you posted with my results.