I’m back on Day 2 of 21 days in a row without complaining.

This is my buddy Jake (a.k.a. “Superdude”),

Jake is part lab, part poodle and part romora (those little fish that attach themselves to sharks.) He must be part romora ’cause he’salways attached to my heal. He never leaves my side.

We adopted Jake a year ago and I’ve never heard him complain—not once. In fact, as you can see, he even likes snow.

Jake seems happy no matter what we’re doing. He’s got food, water, squirrels to harass, geese to chase and me to hang out with. He wakes up wagging his tail and never stops all day.

I’m learning from Jake to enjoy the simple things. He loves when we practice laughter yoga.

What’s your companion animal teaching you?


Day 2 x 6 Jake in snow