My mom was the queen of cliche’s.
“Look before you leap” was one of her favorites and although it bugged me as an impetuous kid, I see great wisdom in her words now.
How about you?
Do you have a fantasy?
Then, my advice is GO FOR IT….
BUT, going for it should also include being VERY clear about what you want — AND, checking it out.
When I moved here to Key Largo I had a list of dozens of things that were important to me but…there’s always some you forget (like an NPR station with a strong signal and good cell coverage.)
So, if your current fantasy is a new car, new home, new job, new relationship or, like me, a whole new start in life, you’ll find out how to get started in the right way in today’s JumpStart.
And do me a favor, will you?
If you like today’s Jumpstart would you please share it with just one other person?